Why rip DVDs?

Format shifting, ripping, digitising, transferring, converting

Whatever you call it, here are some great reasons why ripping your DVDs and Blu-ray is attractive.

Ripped DVD costs less than buy digital downloads

Costs less

Format shifting costs less than buying again. You save time by not having to search online for your titles (if available), and wait for them to finish downloading!

Future proof your DVDs with a ripping service

Future proof

It happened to vinyl, cassette tapes and video tapes - it's slowly happening to the DVD! DVD player sales have declined by over half since 2008 which will eventually push up prices!

DRM free DVD ripping service

DRM free

Multi-brand device viewing becomes possible. You may be loyal to one brand now, but what about tomorrow? Or perhaps your home is already multi-branded.

Rip your DVDs and de-clutter your living space


Clear your shelves, cupboards, and sideboards of discs. As soon as you're digital, either subscribe to the DigiRAW DVD storage service or pop them away in your loft.

DVDs ripped can go mobile on your smart devices


It's not just the kids who love watching their favourite DVDs on a tablet. Perhaps you travel a lot and wish to choose your own inflight entertainment? Maybe on your laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Ripped DVDs with full index listing


Reading a rack of skinny spines and hunting for a title lost in the crowd, or worse still discovering the disc is missing can be a thing of the past with interactive on-screen menus and playlists.

Simultaneous viewing on your Apple TVs

Simulataneous play

Watch what you like, when you like and in any room you choose. There are a lot of AV streamers on the market but a reasonably priced, feature rich favourite of ours is the Apple TV.

Catch up TV on your commute

Catch up TV

On the commute, plane, train and hotel room. Great for entertaining the kids on long journeys too.

Instant play with ripped DVD and no trailers or warnings

Instant play

Say goodbye to disc loading, waiting and button pushing to get through the trailers and annoying warnings. Choose, click play, sit back and enjoy an instant play experience.

The original disc to digital company

Nobody can match our obsession and experience when it comes to disc-to-digital home media solutions. That's why, when you book our service, you have the confidence of knowing Chris, the founder, will be taking care of it. Only the best will do in Chris's world, and the same can be said for his crew.


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